What Steps are You Taking to Grow Your Business?

             Business plan: check

             Update business plan: check

             Update updated business plan: check

Does that sound like you? Updating your business plan is the key to continual growth in your business, but only if the updates are actually working towards that growth.

Whether you’re a retail store, a professional, an online business, a contractor, restaurant or cafe – every business is unique. Except in one important way: every single business needs help with the day-to-day operation of the business so the owner is free to work ON the business.

Depending upon your business, you may have to hire employees. You may need to have a receptionist greeting your patients or clients; if you’re a brick and mortar retail store, you need sales associates to assist customers that walk through the door; if you’re a restaurant or café owner, you need employees to cook, clean, and serve your customers. That’s a clear choice that an owner needs to make – hire employees because the owner of these businesses would certainly not be able to do all these tasks.

But what about the backend of a business? The bookkeeping, the website maintenance, social media strategy and maintenance that’s so necessary in today’s world, marketing, calendar management, purchasing, customer relations – the list goes on and on. And this is where business owners tend not to see the clear choice: that they need to hire someone to assist them with these tasks as well.

I believe that the backend of a business is where some business owners feel they should be working. But the clear decision is to look at how a large, successful corporation is run. Do the CEOs do any of those backend tasks? No, they absolutely do not. Successful CEOs know that delegating all other tasks except for growing the business is a necessity. CEOs are the face of the business, the strategists of the company and are solely responsible for the growth of the company.

Depending on the business itself, hiring more employees may be the answer. Before you decide that hiring more employees is the only course to take, ask yourself a couple of questions:

1. Do these tasks need to be done in an office I provide for an employee(s), where I must purchase and maintain equipment for the employee(s) and pay benefits, payroll taxes and expect there will be sick days and time off?


2. Are these tasks that can be done virtually – from someone else’s office with someone else’s equipment?
Almost everything that is done in the backend of a business can be done by an experienced, professional virtual assistant. Better than that – a team of experienced, professional virtual assistants!

Imagine having your own team of experienced virtual assistants proficient in everything that you need help with, available to work with you whenever you need it. And the absolute best part? You pay them for exactly what it is that they do for you – you’re not paying someone to sit there all day and hope that the tasks you have for that person happen within the 9 – 5 realm (if you can find someone that is proficient in everything).

Welcome to virtual assistance with a multi-VA company.

PTCS assembles a team of assistants, hand picked for exactly the task that the business needs. Sound expensive? Working with a multi-VA team is no more expensive than working with a single assistant!

In the past five+ years as a Virtual Assistant and business owner, I’ve learned a lot from all types of business professionals and business owners. But the one thing I’ve known all along from working as a legal assistant with all types of businesses, is that while every business is unique, the problems they encounter in running their businesses are very similar.

As business owners, we are responsible – solely – for our business. That creates control issues in a good percentage of us and we try to do too many of the things that we should be delegating to others. Once we learn that delegation has nothing to do with losing control of our business, life gets easier very quickly, and it frees us up to grow our businesses.

I’ve seen that a lot of entrepreneurs plod along until they get stuck: their business plans that they keep updating aren’t looking very updated and they are not attaining their goals. The smart, driven entrepreneurs get a coach to help hold themselves responsible as well as help identify and work toward the goals they’ve set. And almost every time, that coach will tell them that they need to delegate certain tasks to someone else so they can expend more energy working toward their goals. Most don’t want to spend the money to get help; the successful ones know that you need to budget money for all essential parts of their business such as marketing, website design and maintenance, administrative tasks, bookkeeping, social media … and other tasks that may be unique to their individual business.

And let’s not forget work/life balance. If your family doesn’t remember the last time you were home and not working, you need to delegate. The one thing in the world money can’t buy and you can’t get back is TIME.

Why not give us a call and see what we can do for you. Life is too short not to get the help you need.


Personal  Touch Concierge Service, LLC
Virtual Assistance with a Personal Touch

Virtual Business Professional





While I haven’t come up with more conclusive evidence about “Virtual Assistant” vs. “Virtual Business Professional,” I do have an exciting announcement to make:

I now have a graphic artist and website designer who has joined my team.  He would definitely fall under “Virtual Business Professional,” even though he assists me by designing websites for my clients.  smiley

(Couldn’t resist slipping that in there)


While he’s already working with one of my clients to create a website, he will soon be updating part of my website as well.  He’s quite the genius, he is!

And Now For Something Completely Different,

Know the history of “OK”?  Click here.  (I’m a huge Monty Python fan.)

In addition to all the services we now provide:

  • Administrative and Personal Assistance
  • Copywriting/Editing/Proofreading
  • Email Management
  • Calendar Management/Meeting and Travel Scheduling
  • Research
  • Transcription
  • Marketing
  • Social Media Networking
  • Event Planning

(to name only some of the services we provide), we now provide website design and maintenance.  Is your website more than 5 years old?  It’s out-of-date!  We can update an existing website or create one to meet your exact budget and needs.

Need rebranding? 

We can help you with that as well.  Rebranding and marketing – what a wonderful way to jump start your business in this economy!



You know how to reach me!  Give me a call and let me tell you how we can help you grow your business.


Big Welcome!

Welcome, Greg!  I look forward to working with you and am thrilled to have you on my team!

Coming Soon

Three levels of bookkeeping support join Personal Touch Concierge Service, LLC. 

Nickey Hollenbach
Personal Touch Concierge Service, LLC