Save Your Money!

Welcome back!

The Personal Side:

During my time served in law offices, I used to look around and marvel at the waste – the wasted time, the money thrown out the window.  Don’t get me wrong – I believe that most law offices are run tightly and efficiently.  I just wasn’t familiar with them first hand.  Without getting into great detail, I’ll give you an example.  When your staff is completely bogged down and work is coming out of their ears, they’re coming in weekends and staying late nights, wouldn’t you look for ways to manage the workload more efficiently?  Your staff will eventually get burned out and make more mistakes – it’s human nature.  Maybe hire a part-time staff person, perhaps on a temporary basis, to catch up on filing, closing files, rearranging files –  small but necessary tasks that your staff was having trouble keeping up. If I were managing an office, I certainly would not have paralegals filing, photocopying large jobs or closing files.  Would you rather have your $25 per hour staff filing or getting work out the door that you can bill – some of it that they can bill – and hire part-time staff at $10 per hour?  That’s one small example of people just not thinking about the big picture.  Like hiring Virtual Assistants.   In staying with the law office scenario, you hire a VA to do overflow work at $35 / hour.  You turn around and bill your clients the usual $75 / hour paralegal fee and your staff is now happier because they are not insanely swamped,  and we all know a happier employee is a more productive employee.  Your initial thought may be – $35 / hour!  I only pay my staff $25 / hour!!  Really – do you?  How much a month do you pay for their medical benefits?  How does it impact you when they are out sick or on vacation?  Are they working for you every second they are sitting in your office taking up space and working on equipment that you maintain?  Hmmm – I wonder how much you are actually paying them per hour.

The Business Side:

What business owner doesn’t want to save money (and time – usually one and the same)?  I just can’t think of any reason why an entrepreneur or small business owner wouldn’t want to use the services of a virtual assistant.  Actually – any size business that has overflow or a project to get done that doesn’t want to bog down their staff.  Let’s look at the facts (bulleted just like a tie would want to see):

  • no payroll taxes
  • no extra equipment / space
  • no equipment maintenance
  • no sick days
  • no snow days
  • no vacation days 
  • no benefit packages

That’s right, folks.  Virtual assistants are never too sick to work, being snowed in doesn’t affect us in the least, we have our own benefits packages and we are never on vacation when you need us!  We obviously own and maintain our own equipment and you pay us directly and 1099 us at the end of the year.   What a deal!

Don’t waste another day without your very own VA!  Give me a call any time and we can discuss whatever your needs may be, whenever they may be.  Because again – that’s the beauty of having your own VA.  We’re there when you need us for as long as you need us – and that’s how you pay us!

 Next:  What this Virtual Assistant can do to help your business get going, stay going and improve productivity.