Answering Your Questions – Part 2


As I was sitting at one of my offices away from home (Brig O’Doon), I decided to ask a gentleman sitting next to me if he knew what a Virtual Assistant was.  He didn’t (AND he worked for Hewlitt Packard).  Perfect opportunity.  I told him a virtual assistant was anyone who assisted someone virtually.  He said that made perfect sense.  Smart guy – not everyone clicks on the idea right away.  Great person to ask what he would want in a Virtual Assistant.

First thing was

[Memorandum of Understanding – see last post, Part 1]


9-25-2012 5-22-42 PMThe next thing he said that would be important to him, would be to know what time zone his VA is in.

Depending upon what type of work a VA will be doing for a client, that’s pretty important.  A seasoned, professional VA will know to bring that up in your initial conversation of what type of tasks you will be doing with your VA.

Time zones wouldn’t be an issue with a multi-VA company that has VAs all over the country, however.


For example, if you’re on the West Coast, it would be great to have a VA on the East Coast who would have everything up and running for you by the time you roll out of bed.  And if you’re on the East Coast, a VA on the West Coast can easily be working into the evening your time.

Working with a multi-VA company can provide you coverage from early in the day to late in the evening if that’s what you need.

[next – part 3]
