That Which Doesn’t Kill Us Makes Us Stronger

I’ve been living that saying pretty much since


my daughter was born 26 years ago with congenital gastroschisis followed by unbelievable events during my “interesting” life.  (Boy am I strong, but that’s a story for another time.)  Today I want to talk about the strength of a friend of mine.


Your Life Can Change in an Instant


I remember saying to her one time how amazed I am at how your life can drastically change in an instant.  And you can say that to anyone, but until someone has had a life-altering experience, they just politely agree, not REALLY knowing what you mean.


I had dinner with my friend last week. We had lost touch for a bit, so it was nice to get together and catch up with the latest happenings in our lives. I knew that Sharon had been in an accident and was still recovering, having seen her briefly around 8 months ago. She walked in on crutches – still – after 9 months! But even prior to her accident, there were challenges for Sharon to overcome.


It was the coolest art gallery,


In March of 2007, Sharon had to close her business of 10 years – really great art gallery which, unfortunately, was located in an area where the town decided to do major road construction that lasted forever. No one could get to her studio easily, and her business took a nose dive once the construction began. Her business was her life and this was a devastating experience for her to overcome. She then lost her home and was forced to move in with her boyfriend of 3 years – not a good thing.  Finding work was becoming increasingly difficult. Her big break came in February of 2008 when she found a good paying job doing something she really enjoyed. Unfortunately, the company was fairly new and began to struggle. On July 1st (Sharon’s birthday) of 2008, she was laid off. Just prior to being laid off, she purchased her first motorcycle. She had always wanted a motorcycle and was so excited about riding. After some practice in parking lots, her boyfriend encouraged her to venture out on the back roads. Although she was very nervous about venturing out so soon, she agreed to the ride. This decision was life altering.


A broken leg; a broken life


Sharon broke the femur of her right leg in an accident on July 10th. She spent 10 days in the hospital and many months of dealing with the aftermath. Her relationship with her boyfriend ended after she got out of the hospital (nice guy, huh?), and she has been living with friends for the past 8 months while trying to get back on her feet, physically, financially and emotionally.


With all of the obstacles in her life, Sharon continues to be positive about her future. She is determined to get her life back together and her outlook remains positive. She realizes that there are many people that love her and care about her. “This is only temporary!” she says. “This will make me better than ever!”


Life is a challenge


We can never be fully prepared for all of the obstacles thrown in our paths, but we do need to learn from our experiences and let them form us into who we need to be. I know that Sharon has been doing a lot of soul searching – which is never a bad thing. She is thankful for her family and friends and to be alive. She is continuing to heal.


Never ever give up


If you are experiencing a difficult time in your life – for whatever reason – please don’t give up.  I promise you tomorrow will be better; it’s just that sometimes tomorrow takes longer to come than we’d like. Someone once told me to take one day at a time.  I can’t repeat what I told that person at the time, but I now see the wisdom in those words.  Sometimes that’s all you can do. 


Nickey Hollenbach

Personal Touch Concierge Service, LLC

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