I know I said last time that I was going to write about VPN’s, but I’m going to make you wait one more week for that.  I’m getting the scoop from a pretty savvy computer lady, but she’s off to the islands (L U C K Y).  So when she gets back I’ll finish my VPN blog – I really value what she has to add.

Soooo . . . what to do, what to do . . .

The first thing that comes to mind is a good friend of mine who was the first person I went to when I decided I wanted to start my own business.  She had started a concierge business years ago and every time I saw her she looked pretty darn happy about it.  So a couple of years ago we sat down and I picked her brain.  She willingly gave me pointers, tips, references – anything I needed.  But at the time it just wasn’t the right time for me.  Skip to the present . . . she is still giving me pointers, tips, references – and dragging me (not screaming) to some pretty great networking functions.  She has also gone off in a different direction and took instruction on doing voiceovers.  I will put both of her websites on my blogroll and if you have the chance, please visit them.  Oh, her name is Deb Reast, and her concierge company is Yours, Mine and Hours – isn’t that great?  She’s not virtual which makes for some pretty lucky companies and individuals in our neck of the woods. 

The Personal Side:

My kitchen is being remodeled now for over two months.  There are no contractors holding us up – only time, mother nature and copper are holding us up.  I got the bright idea to put copper inserts on the cabinet doors we were refacing.  Let me tell you a little secret about copper – it’s a very, very soft metal.  (duh)  You can’t even bump it with anything lest you get a ding in it.   The obvious thing to do is to stamp some sort of design on it to hide any imperfections.  Sounds easy, doesn’t it?  Not so much.  I looked at Home Depot for hours; I looked at Walmart; I searched my house and shed – NOTHING.  A month later with the cabinets in all stages of remodeling, a dear friend of mine came over, looked at them and said – what about a brick?  I thought she was hitting the bottle a little early in the day, but it turned out that a brick with the corner rounded a bit, covered with a cloth hanky and rolled on the copper gives quite a unique little random design.  SUCCESS!  (thanks, Laurie!)  So that just leaves gluing the moldings on, clamping them, sanding the ends, ironing on the wood veneer and painting them.  Piece of cake!  I have a recommendation:  if you are able to afford to have someone come replace your cabinets for you – DO IT!! 

The Business Side:

I bet you’re wondering what business could possibly have to do with my kitchen cabinet project.  It’s easy!  If you have a project to do that you know you want done right and right away, you should go to a pro.  If you’ve never written website content, will you sit there for hours trying to figure it out or will you hire a VA – like me ♥ – who knows how to write content and use keywords to get your website noticed by the search engines?  If you’re an attorney and need a brief typed and you type with two or three fingers, are you going to sit there and type it with all the proper formatting, citations, tables, etc., or will you hire a VA – like me ♥ – who types over 100 wpm and has typed dozens and dozens of briefs?  It just makes sense to hire a VA to help you with anything you need done by a pro.  Or hire Deb to help you run your restaurant, or go to your office to help you fill in the blanks – if you’re lucky enough to live close to her.

OK, back to the kitchen cabinets – I’m getting there . . . really I am.  Visit Deb’s sites – go ahead – now’s a good time – what are you waiting for?

Nickey Hollenbach
Personal Touch Concierge Service, LLC