Find Your Niche


Jack of all trades; master at none.

That’s the saying I’ve heard my parents say all my life.  Now that I’ve started my own business, all I hear is “find your niche.”  I understand how people can say that in some instances.  For example, if you’re a fantastic website designer and website design fulfills you and you have plenty of business, why expand into other fields you may not be as well versed in.

So I tried to look at my niche.

I made a list of all the tasks I’ve done at my past jobs.  Backing up a bit, I’ve worked full time in two general practice law offices for the past 20+ years before starting my business.  Talk about Jack of all Trades.  But that was never really enough for me, or maybe I just needed something completely different to do (besides raising two beautiful daughters by myself – another story for another time). 

So I taught piano for years.  Then I was a vet-tech for 3 years.  And I did pet-sitting in people’s homes for 8 years.  And for a little while took care of a nursing home’s animal residents.  This in addition to my full-time jobs, of course and, as you can see, these jobs overlapped.

Both of my daughters danced – and I mean lived at the dance studio.  I was very fortunate to have retired parents that live close and could share in the taxi service needed to the dance studio daily.  Incidentally, one of my daughters now teaches part-time at the same dance studio, teaches for a compay that goes into pre-school classes and teaches little kids, as well as being the dance team instructor for a middle school.  And she’s a full-time college student.  (Takes after mom, I guess).  So add taxi service and dance mom.  (sort of like a soccer mom)


Okay, I thought.  Let’s just stick to tasks at my full-time jobs, then.

  • Transcribing dictation
  • Proofreading/Editing legal documents
  • Opening and distributing mail, sometimes just answering incoming correspondence
  • Drafting pleadings
  • Drafting discovery
  • Answering discovery
  • Writing copy
  • Research
  • Telephone calls to and from clients all day long – lots of hand-holding
  • Scheduling depositions, client meetings, political meetings
  • Organizing fundraising events – political and non-profit
  • Managing emails all day for myself and my boss
  • Booking travel itineraries – business and personal
  • Organizing social events, holiday parties for clients, special events
  • Scheduling sporting event itineraries and accompanying travel arrangements and entertainment

I’m sure I must be missing something in that list, but you get the picture.

So what did I do best?

Why, everything!   There are just some people whose niche is multi-tasking – because they are wired to multi-task and they’re good at it.  Should I just stick to transcribing dictation?  (be serious)  Or shall I just stick to scheduling or email management?  I think not.  Not because it’s beneath me!!  Because it’s NOT ME.  I need to multi-task and that’s where my experience and expertise lies.

But shall I take on more?

I have wonderful clients and I truly am grateful and love them all.  They are a joy to work with and we have a wonderful partnership.  But then I got to thinking . . . I couldn’t give them everything they may need.  My expertise falls flat as far as bookkeeping.  I don’t know html code well enough to design a website. 

So I had a choice . . .

Limit my business to what I know and am an expert, or get help.  I got help.  I welcome to my multi-VA firm a website designer and three levels of bookkeeping.  And a team of Virtual Assistants with their own special niches.  And I’m not stopping there.  I’m not stopping until a client can come to me and have every business need fulfilled – by our Jack of All Trades team.

Jack of All Trades, Master of All.

And did I mention networking and social media?  I could go on and on.  Another time, then.

Oh, and I revamped my website.  New look, new content.  Took awhile to finish it.   Because I didn’t know how?  OF COURSE NOT!  Because my clients always come first.  Take a look.

Nickey Hollenbach
Personal Touch Concierge Service, LLC