Best Mothers’ Day Present!

I haven’t had time to blog in a very long time.  Business has taken priority and my clients’ work has become more important than keeping up with my own “stuff.”  I am not unhappy about it – I am just the proverbial cobbler’s “children.”   (Maybe I should get a Virtual Assistant LOL!!)

With Mother’s Day coming up, I wanted to do something special for my mother (goes without saying).  She’s 82 and in great health, but you really never know, and I don’t want to be left behind wishing I had done this or that … no regrets!

I’m in a pretty cool networking group out of Doylestown, BRG, a fairly laid-back group with some great people.  It takes time to develop relationships — which is for a blog at another time.  My point is there’s a really bright and sunny entrepreneur in my group, Lorna Fitzgerald, who runs Life’s Images by Lorna, a photo scanning business.  So I got to thinking how great it would be to have a DVD made for my mother of pictures from her childhood to the present!  Of course I have about as much time to do this as I do to blog, but yesterday I stopped by my mom’s and my daughter was there with her munchkins, and I decided to grab my mom’s photos and go through them.  Between the two of us, we bullied her into letting us look at old photos, etc., and grabbed a bunch without her knowing.  BTW, my mom was an incredibly beautiful woman in her day.   So now I’m totally into it and can’t wait to go through the mountainous stack of my photo albums to pick out some photos to put on the DVD (I may be exaggerating here just a bit).  But it will be well worth the effort!

The thought of preserving these photos on a DVD that she can pop in any time to look at is by far the best present I could ever give her.  Preserving memories and having them somewhere other than in boxes you never look at just can’t be beat!

So what are you doing for you mom this year on Mother’s Day?  Try to think of something unique – you could always contact Lorna.

Nickey Hollenbach
Personal Touch Concierge Service, LLC
Follow me on twitter:  @nickeyh
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About Nickey

Personal Touch Concierge Service is a multi-virtual assistance company that assists businesses and entrepreneurs with the day-to-day operation of their businesses, social media strategy and management, bookkeeping, and website design and maintenance. With over 25 years' experience in the legal and corporate fields, there is virtually nothing we can't accomplish for you. Transcription, word processing, proofreading, administrative duties, scheduling, research, keyword research and implementation, website content writing, email management, event planning - we can assist you with all the tasks you don't have time to do yourself. Because your time is valuable and you have your business to run!

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