Half Full or Half Empty?


Ah, the proverbial question.  What is it for you?  Be honest – you’re only talking to yourself, right?

I am definitely a half full person.

And I’m really glad I am.  I think it definitely takes that type of person to be a good entrepreneur, don’t ya’ think?  If you’re always thinking about the bad things that can happen and not looking at the bright side of things when not-so-good things do happen, how are you enjoying life?  And I know people that are half-empty people (boy, do I!) and I just don’t get it.  I know someone who actually can find the bad side of ANY scenario – and does.  It can make you just shake your head and wonder why anyone would WANT to think like that!  (Excepting attorneys, that is – they can always effectively argue either side of the coin.)

For example,

You have your own business and you’re working so hard at it, you don’t have time for the simple things in life any more.  And you’ve talked youself into the fact that you don’t miss those things – you’ve got everything under control and you can do it all.  You are king!!  (or queen!)  After all, if you get help it will:

  • Take you longer to train someone to do it than you could do it yourself
  • Give you one more thing to worry about because the task is in someone else’s hands
  • Be an added expense you don’t need right now

 Or, you could look at it this way:

  • The time you take to train someone is time well spent because now you have someone else that can do it for you
  • You have one less thing to worry about because now someone else is freeing up your time to do other things
  • The money spent on getting someone to help gives you more time to grow your business and, therefore, bring in more money

 Of course I’m talking specifically about the benefits of hiring a Virtual Assistant to help you with your business. 

Will every VA be able to help me?

Of course not.  Just like hiring someone “live” to sit there next to you, not everyone will work out.  But if you’re patient and keep looking until you find that right fit, you won’t regret it! 

 But do yourself a favor – TRY to see the bright spot in everything you do or that happens to you!  It’s a proven fact you’ll live longer.  It’s also a proven fact more people will want to be around you.  Here’s a great place to start:  http://www.the-benefits-of-positive-thinking.com/

Now Go Be Happy!!

Nickey Hollenbach
Personal Touch Concierge Service, LLC
This entry was posted in assist, business, business owner, entrepreneur, lawyer, legal, Virtual Assistance, Virtual Assistant by Nickey. Bookmark the permalink.

About Nickey

Personal Touch Concierge Service is a multi-virtual assistance company that assists businesses and entrepreneurs with the day-to-day operation of their businesses, social media strategy and management, bookkeeping, and website design and maintenance. With over 25 years' experience in the legal and corporate fields, there is virtually nothing we can't accomplish for you. Transcription, word processing, proofreading, administrative duties, scheduling, research, keyword research and implementation, website content writing, email management, event planning - we can assist you with all the tasks you don't have time to do yourself. Because your time is valuable and you have your business to run!

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