Professional New Year’s Resolutions

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

Resolutions . . .

Personally I don’t make New Year resolutions – personal resolutions, that is.  It can be like setting yourself up for failure.  Although I did make a New Year’s resolution not to iron any more – about 20 years ago.  It’s gone quite well, actually.

But seriously, resolutions for your business – especially in this economy – is a necessity! 

Following are my top ten Professional New Year’s Resolutions:

  1. Recession?  What recession?  Ignore that part of the news.  I personally am choosing not to participate in this recession.  We all know it’s going to be over eventually – hopefully sooner than later – and if you tend to be a bit on the negative side to start with, you really need to ignore the hype!  Stay positive and make sure your business plan for 2009 is in line with current business trends and remember:  concentrate on keeping the customers / clients you already have!!
  2. Grow your business.  How?  By freeing up more of your time to work on bringing in more business!  Hire a Virtual Assistant (of course) to do the things that are taking up your time needlessly.  We’ve talked about all the benefits of this before! 
  3. Get and keep your name out there.  Are you doing the marketing that you should be?  Keeping up with a blog, doing press releases, email campaigns to keep in touch with your clients, designing flyers, mailers, etc., etc.?  No?  Costs too much?  Keeping your name out there is priceless!  People will remember your name if they see it enough, and you will earn their trust.  If your name disappears, you know the old saying – out of sight, out of mind.  And who can you get to help you with all of this?   (call me)
  4. Expand your marketing/advertising budget.  Pretty much, see No. 3.  I know you’re afraid to spend money right now, but try to trim your budget elsewhere.  Like, say, hiring a Virtual Assistant to help you rather than hiring additional staff (payroll taxes, benefits, equipment, maintenance, etc., etc.).
  5. Use your talents.  Ever spend so much time on your clients and customers that you forget about your own business needs?  A very common mistake.  But if you’re not keeping up with your own marketing and you’re a marketing firm, or your website needs updating and you’re a website designer . . .  you get the picture.
  6. Increase your networking.  Never underestimate the power of networking.  And that means helping out others as well as yourself.  See my guest blog at for more networking tips.
  7. Volunteer.  I know, I know.  You’re so busy trying to get your business either off the ground or keep it growing, how are you ever going to have time to volunteer?  Volunteering your time – and it doesn’t have to be a huge amount of time – is another way to get your name out there and be recognized, increasing the trust factor.  Find something that you’re passionate about.  It will make you feel really good about yourself.
  8. Testimonials.   Ask your good customers/clients for testimonials and put them out there for people to see.  Your website, blog, email marketing campaign, etc.  Again, build trust.
  9. How do you look?  I’m not trying to get personal, just trying to get you to look at yourself with regard to your business.  If you’re in a business that doesn’t necessiate a suit and tie, how do you dress at a casual function?  Consider a collared and/or buttoned shirt with your logo on the left pocket area.  Always double-check that you look neat.  That first impression thing does carry weight.
  10. Green!  Take a look at your business and see where improvement can be made towards going green.  Not only is this great for the environment, you can announce to the world that you’ve gone green!  I love that it’s finally  cool to be green, speaking as a tree-hugger from way back!  Don’t know how to go green?  Contact me.  I’d be happy to review your business with you and offer suggestions.

There you have it!  Ten simple ways to give your business a boost in 2009.   Have any others you would like to share?  Love to hear from you!

I wish you all a happy, prosperous New Year!

Nickey Hollenbach
Personal Touch Concierge Service, LLC
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About Nickey

Personal Touch Concierge Service is a multi-virtual assistance company that assists businesses and entrepreneurs with the day-to-day operation of their businesses, social media strategy and management, bookkeeping, and website design and maintenance. With over 25 years' experience in the legal and corporate fields, there is virtually nothing we can't accomplish for you. Transcription, word processing, proofreading, administrative duties, scheduling, research, keyword research and implementation, website content writing, email management, event planning - we can assist you with all the tasks you don't have time to do yourself. Because your time is valuable and you have your business to run!

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