Exercising at Work

There it is – finally!!  A way to reduce my bum!  I’m so very excited about this.  I’ve been planning this ever since I saw this on a blog post ages ago!  There’s an actual website that talks about buying a treadmill desk (for $4,000 or so which I obviously didn’t do), or making a desk to sit on top of your existing treadmill – et voila!  (Thanks, Bill)   The idea is to get you moving, even if it’s not marathon-like, improving your circulation, heart and yes – mind!

I can’t do everything walking on it – yet.  But typing this blog, for example, responding to emails, any type of data entry stuff, bookkeeping, reading anything on-line – anything like that is just fine.  I’ve been averaging between 4 to 5 miles a day, and that’s certainly more than I was doing before!  (about 4 to 5 miles a day more)  Think about the long-term effects this small amount of daily exercise can have on our society!  Healthier people bring down health insurance costs (in theory).  You won’t need to go to a gym (just get yourself some weights, but that’s for a different blog) so you’ll be saving money on a gym membership and can use that money to stimulate the economy! 

You’ll BE healthier so you’ll EAT healthier, buying more organic produce from local farmers, thereby encouraging the larger farmers to stop spraying their produce with harmful toxins that we ingest. 

With less toxins in our water and food supply, the animals we eat will be healthier, thus passing along better, more wholesome meat and milk products to our children.  We then see a decline in childhood cancer and other health disorders such as autism and ADD.  Our children grow up healthier and smarter and solve the climate crisis faster than we’re able.

SEE??  A treadmill desk can save the world! 

Ok, then . . .

Other tips to exercising at work when you don’t have a treadmill desk:

  • Do not sit more than 45 minutes at a time – get up and get a drink of water, visit the bathroom, etc.
  • Tightening your bum cheeks – you can obviously do this while sitting down – or if you’re adventurous, try doing this while walking and watch your co-workers laugh!
  • Try to stand up every 15 minutes and stretch – reach for the sky, bend over (if you’re not wearing a short skirt and have a little privacy), twist from side to side
  • Place your palms together in front of you and point your fingers toward you, away from you, toward you – you get it.  A great stretch for your wrists and lower arms.
  • Keep your palms together and push together – hold to the count of 5 and release.  Raise your arms a little and repeat; raise more and repeat
  • Gently tilt your head side to side slowly, then back and forth for instant shoulder relaxation

OK – exercise time over!  Now you’re armed with a way to not only get great exercise, but to save the world!

Oh, and I have to tell you, talk about delicious, healthy eating??  Look at my sidebar at recommended people.  Mike Schmidt from Shackamaxon Catering – unbelievable!!  (my wedding caterer)  GREAT food and a fantastic menu.  We  had 8 different appetizers, (some butlered) three different entres, a fantastic potato and season veggies (squash, broccoli, etc.).  Just delicious!  Healthy?  Sure!  The chocolate fondue in both milk and dark chocolate?  Not so much.  (I have heard that dark chocolate is good for you.  That’s my story and I’m sticking with it!)   But absolutely amazing.  There was a lot of fresh fruit, of course, that you could eat without chocolate, too!  And the people?  Mike, Ed, Rick, Tyrell – the nicest, most professional people I’ve met.  Everything was just perfect!  Thanks again, Mike!


Nickey Hollenbach

2 thoughts on “Exercising at Work

  1. Pingback: Dance on a treadmill | Treadmill Training Answers

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