Animals in the Workplace


Charlie at my wedding

Charlie at my wedding


Animals in MY workplace, anyway!  Yes, I am an animal person.  For those of you who know me, that’s old news.  My life would be very empty without them, although at times it’s a bit trying.  Like when I’m on the phone with a client and my cockatoo decides she’d like a word with the person on the phone, too.  I know a client of mine who enjoys them downstairs (from my office where you can’t hear them) much better!   Actually around dinner time you can hear them – as my neighbor up the street told us.  (All I could say was sorry.)  They are very needy, birds are.  So if you’re thinking that they would be “cool” to have, PLEASE read about each type of bird before you take the plunge.  They are like dogs – each having a completely different personality and did I say needy?

But besides little old man, Charlie, I’ve had two keeshonds and a lab/shepherd mix.  I’ve also been a part-time pet sitter for 10 years and a part-time vet tech for a few years, many years ago.  I know dogs.  And cats.   And iguanas, rats, guinea pigs and hamsters, and . . . sorry – got a little carried away.

Why am I blogging about animals, you wonder?  To get everyone to spread the word on House Bills 2525 and 2532 which deals with animal cruelty laws.  And NO, putting a tux on your pomeranian is NOT animal cruelty – if they like it – which he did.  He wore that thing all night!!

ANYWAY, following is a copy of a canned email response I received:

Thank you for recently contacting me to express your strong support for House Bills 2525 and 2532, which make sweeping changes to the Dog Law and the Animal Cruelty Law to raise the standards for dogs in breeding kennels and prohibit  certain surgical procedures on dogs that are inhumane.


    As you may know, both bills were passed by the House of Representatives on September 17 and were then referred to the Senate Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee.  The Committee has scheduled a meeting on Tuesday, September 23, at noon, to consider House Bill 2525, which may include additional amendments.


    Please be assured that I am aware of the abuses that occur in dog breeding kennels and the need to update our laws to provide greater enforcement and penalties for cruel and inhumane treatment of dogs in our state and I will be glad to support passage of both proposals when they come before the Senate for a vote.


    Thanks again for taking the time to contact me on these important proposals.






Senator Rob Wonderling

State Senator 24th District  


I bring all this up in the wake of the Kutztown a*(#^/!!s who shot 80 dogs when he was ordered to have the dogs examined by a vet.  See the comments – (just loved the comment from ‘Wiser Time’).  And I heard how Oprah made it sound on her show that that’s how we do things in PA.  How embarrassing (and kind of ignorant on her part, don’t ya’ think?)


So please take the time to contact your senators and other politicians and let them know how you feel.  It is their responsibility to vote their constituency, so LET THEM KNOW!  An email takes about 3 minutes of your time, right?   Google their name – or just google PA State Senator and a listing will come up.  Go to their site and you can email them directly (or actually someone who will answer their email for them).  But I do know that they keep track of the emails and the subject matters so I promise it will count.


Do you agree?  Comments?  Let’s discuss . . .


OH!  And Dr. Yvonne Kaye is having a lecture October 15, 22, 29 and November 5 at Livengrin.  Contact me for more details.  Tell everyone!


Nickey Hollenbach

Personal Touch Concierge Service, LLC


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About Nickey

Personal Touch Concierge Service is a multi-virtual assistance company that assists businesses and entrepreneurs with the day-to-day operation of their businesses, social media strategy and management, bookkeeping, and website design and maintenance. With over 25 years' experience in the legal and corporate fields, there is virtually nothing we can't accomplish for you. Transcription, word processing, proofreading, administrative duties, scheduling, research, keyword research and implementation, website content writing, email management, event planning - we can assist you with all the tasks you don't have time to do yourself. Because your time is valuable and you have your business to run!

2 thoughts on “Animals in the Workplace

    • Oh, come now. My name is not Paris Hilton and my dog only got dressed up for our wedding – and neither he nor I made a dime off of it! (Of course if it’s pouring buckets he does have a little raincoat . . .)

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